What is the most intelligent dog breed?

What is the most intelligent dog breed?

Does your canine bestie make it into the top 10 smartest dog breeds? The Lux Pup is here to help solve that question by counting down the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. 

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How do we determine what makes a dog breed intelligent? 

First, we need a smart human to determine what makes a smart dog. Introducing Stanley Coren, psychology professor, neuropsychological researcher, and dog behaviour expert. In his book "The Intelligence of Dogs," Stanley set out to determine dogs' mental abilities. To determine how smart a breed was, he focused on three main criteria: instinctive intelligence, adaptive intelligence, and working and obedience intelligence.

What is Instinctive Intelligence?

Instinctive intelligence is how good your dog is at performing the task it was bred for, such as herding, guarding, or pointing. Instinctive means that the dog has not learnt this behaviour, instead it was born to carry out these characteristics. 

What is Adaptive Intelligence?

Adaptive Intelligence is how good your dog is at solving a problem on their own. It is the ability to change behaviour depending on the environment and situation. 

What is Working and Obedience Intelligence?

Working and obedience intelligence is how good your dog is at learning from a human. This form of canine intelligence is often the most interesting to us humans as it's how trainable the dog is. 

Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds Countdown

To make it to the list, these gifted doggos understood new commands within 5 repetitions and obeyed the first command 95% of the time! Since Coren first published his findings in 1994, many studies have validated his claims. Of the 138 dogs breeds tested, these brainy pups made it into the top 10.

10th - Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog

First up and in at number 10 is the Australian Cattle Dog. This independent dog was born to herd and as a result, is a high achiever on the obedience command trainability scale. This smart pup is known for his ability to evaluate situations and take initiative if needed. This intelligence and problems solving skills make him fantastic at canine sports such as herding, agility and obedience. 

Fun fact, the oldest dog on record to ever have lived is an Australian Cattle dog by the name of Bluey, who lived an incredible 29 years and 5 months!

One of the most famous Australian Cattle Dogs was Skidboot, who was considered one of the most intelligent dogs to have ever lived. Skidboot was such a clever little boy, knowing a whole range of commands and impeccably well-behaved. If you're ready for your heart to burst with pride, take a look at this impressive video of Skidboot showing off his smarts.

9th - Rottweiler


It's a great shame that the Rottweiler receives such bad press because this amazing dog is the 9th most intelligent dog on the planet. Rottweilers are good-natured, obedient and very devoted pets. They are fearless and self-assured and have deep routed herding and guarding instincts. Rottweilers have often been used to move stubborn stock that simply ignore more famous herding dogs such as Border Collies and can become quite affectionate to the stock as long as they follow it's lead.

Rottweilers have a bite force of 328 pounds, which has sadly contributed to their ban in many countries. It's not the first time Rottweilers have seen dark days either; the breed nearly became extinct in the 1800s when smaller breeds emerged with similar characteristics but seemed easier to manage.

However, as many Rottweiler parents know well, this loyal dog is a delightful pet and is highly trainable, learning a new command after just 5 repetitions on average. I can't help but feel that's a much better thing to be known for.

8th - Papillon


Part of the spaniel family, the Papillon makes it to 8th on the list of most intelligent dogs and number one within the toy breed category! These adventurous pups may be tiny, but they have huge brains.

Papillons are eager to please, which makes them highly trainable, learning new tricks effortlessly. They take the top spot in obedience training within the toy breed category, and these sporty fur babies are excellent at agility.

Did you know Queen of France Marie Antoinette famously had a Papillon named Coco? Rumor has it that Coco was her favorite dog, and she desperately clutched it on her dreadful walk to the guillotine. At 22, Coco sadly died. A small headstone marks where the dog was laid to rest in the gardens of the Hotel de Seignelay, which can still be found today. What a sad fact.

7th - Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

The world's most popular doggy is the Labrador, who makes it to 7th! The Lab is the most owned dog in Australia, Canada, Israel, and New Zealand, as well as in the United Kingdom and the United States, where there are twice as many Labradors as the second most popular breed! This affectionate pooch hasn't got there on looks alone though; they are highly intelligent and good-natured dogs that make fantastic companions.

A popular choice for guide dogs, it's no surprise to see Labradors make the list. Famously friendly, these intelligent dogs are quick to learn and are proactive thinkers.

6th - Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog

Just missing out on the top 5 is this clever doggo! The Shetland Sheepdog is a devoted and loyal breed that originated in the Shetland Islands of Scotland. These gorgeous dogs are from the collie family and excel at herding, although more often than not they are at home as pets now. Obeying a command on the first call 95% of the time, the Sheltie is an obedient, smart dog. With a friendly nature, they make great family pets too.

5th - Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher

When it comes to guard dogs, you'll be hard-pressed to find a more suitable bodyguard than the Doberman Pinscher. With a strong build and the brains to match, this breed is a fantastic ally. It is believed that this wonderful dog was first bred by a German tax collector to protect him as he did his rounds. They also played an important role in WWII, where they led and guarded troops and alerted them to enemies close by.

That said, the smart Doberman Pinscher is actually a gentle, loving dog and due to their loyalty, make wonderful pets.

4th - Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers may act like fluffy goofballs, but they actually make it to number 4 on our most intelligent dog breeds list! These affectionate doggos can learn over 200 commands and are often used as disability assistant dogs, such as guide dogs for the deaf or blind.

Originally gun dogs, these gorgeous dogs were trained to retrieve shot animals undamaged. Today, they have kept their love for water and make amazing pets, especially as they are typically patient with children.

3rd - German Shepherd Dog 

German Shepard Dog

We've made it into the top 3 most intelligent dog breeds, and first up on the podium is the handsome German Shepherd Dog. This insanely intelligent dog is well known for its police and military work, being the face of the K9 unit. The high intelligence of the German Shepherd allows it to play a key role in search and rescue missions. They also make amazing disability assistant dogs like a few other breeds mentioned on this list. As the German Shepherd was bred for its intelligence, it can interpret instructions and learn very quickly.

2nd - Poodle


The Poodle is one of the most recognizable breeds, but it’s also the second most intelligent on the planet. The national dog of France can be easily trained and, according to the American Kennel Club, was originally used to serve as a water retriever. It wins silver in the intelligence tests due to how highly trainable they are. These obedient dogs are extremely loyal and creative, which is why they were adopted into the circus. With such an intelligent mind, physical exercise isn't going to cut it alone. The Poodle needs lots of mental stimulation to ensure this sharp-minded doggo doesn't get bored.

1st - Border Collie

Border Collies

Taking the crown for the most intelligent dog breed is the hard-working sheepdog, the Border Collie. This smart dog was bred to work independently from humans, solve complex problems, and work hard. Not only smart, but they’re also well known for being affectionate and energetic too.

Border Collies are herders, and as such, it's imperative they pick up a huge range of voice commands. Maybe then it's no surprise that the Einstein of the dog world comes in the form of Chaser who learned over 1,000 toys by name.

It's not just words, however; this clever pup can be directed with hand signals and whistles too. Out on the farm, when working sheep outside the hearing range of their owner, they can problem-solve and make their own decisions.

One of the most rewarding qualities of the Border Collie is how fiercely loyal they can be. Often one-person dogs, they can be stubborn, and don't be surprised if your doggo tries to outsmart you. Being the most intelligent dog in the world is no easy task though; Border Collies need a lot of mental stimulation coupled with a load of physical exercise to lead a happy life. Providing them with interactive dog toys designed for Border Collies can help keep their sharp minds occupied and prevent boredom.

 Smartest Dog Breeds Confirmed

There you have it a full list of the most intelligent dog breeds on the planet. If your precious pouch has a clever gene we want to hear from you. Send your pics and videos to info@theluxpup.com and you could be featured in a future post.

How can I determine if my dog belongs to one of the intelligent breeds listed here?

To determine if your dog belongs to one of the intelligent breeds listed here, observe their problem-solving skills, ability to learn new commands, and natural instincts related to their breed's original purpose. However, it's important to appreciate and love your furry companion for their unique personality and qualities, regardless of their intelligence level.

Can you improve a dog's intelligence through training and mental stimulation?

Yes, you can definitely enhance your dog's cognitive abilities through proper training and mental stimulation. Regular training sessions using positive reinforcement techniques can improve their obedience and working intelligence. Additionally, engaging your dog in interactive games, puzzle toys, and new experiences can provide mental stimulation and prevent boredom, which contributes to a happier and more mentally agile pup.

Are there other factors to consider when choosing a dog breed besides intelligence?

Absolutely! While intelligence is an essential factor for some dog owners, it's important to consider other aspects when choosing a breed that fits your lifestyle. Factors such as exercise needs, grooming requirements, size, temperament, and compatibility with children or other pets are crucial considerations. Each breed has its unique characteristics and traits, and finding the right fit goes beyond intelligence alone. Remember that a loving and well-matched companion can bring immense joy to your life, regardless of their ranking on intelligence lists.

What is the most intelligent dog breed?

The Border Collie is widely regarded as the smartest dog breed. Known for their exceptional intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and incredible work ethic, Border Collies have earned the reputation of being the "Einstein of the dog world." While intelligence can vary within breeds, other breeds like the Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Doberman Pinscher are also considered highly intelligent and trainable. Remember that choosing a breed should involve considering various factors that match your lifestyle and preferences.

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